약한영웅 FanFiction outline

My fanfic will use Weak Hero aka. 약한영웅 as it’s original source. Recently I have been reading a lot of this manhwa on WEBTOON. I want to recreate one of the first scenes where the main protagonists meet for the first time. This manhwa focuses a lot on violence and bullying that occurs in Korean school systems, and the main characters first meet in a 5v5 fight. I want to rewrite this section to focus on the new characters coming together instead of the initial attack and response. I think it will be challenging for me to make new scenes while maintaining the character’s personalities. But I still hope I can highlight the aspects of these characters that appealed to me.

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6 thoughts on “약한영웅 FanFiction outline”

  1. 와…. 쟈스틴 작가님… 어려운 주제를 선택했네요.
    갑자기 우리 팬픽 사이트의 수준이 한층 더 올라가는 느낌이 드네요!^^
    어떤 스토리가 펼져질지 정말 기대가 됩니다.

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